Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Gift Ideas

*Love Comes Softly movie series
*Norwex stuff (you'll have to find out what I already have)
*Anthropologie gift card
*Stitch Fix gift card
*BBC Sherlock series
*Downton Abby series

I will probably put up a board on Pinterest as well of things I want for me or jack.

? (He doesn't every really give me ideas)
*Fishing stuff 
*Gift card to Academy (with a plate of oatmeal raisin cookies lol, if you feel bad about just doing a gift card)

*"Melissa and Doug" Toys
*Clothes 18 months or bigger (look on my Pinterest boards for ideas)
*Babar books (hardcover)
*Richard Scarry books (hardcover)
*Touch and feel books (he loves those)